Flight has already become cheap.
Developments in energy systems, composite materials and computational power enable aircraft configurations that put us on track towards an inevitable disruptive transition. Much like a century ago we abandoned horses for cars, we are leaving cars for VTOLs.
While regulators are preparing the legal and operational environment to scale the adoption of the massive electric passenger and cargo transport, we are building our electric VTOL aircraft to be affordable and widely available.
At our core we are a team of certified aviation engineers with a solid track record of making and certifying passenger jets for civil aviation. We see how our skills will help to leave behind the congestion, pollution, exhaustion, length and complexity of ground transportation.
We see the future where an on-demand aircraft arrives to pick you up at a take-off pad no farther than 7-minutes walking distance and provides safe and fast access to hundred times more opportunities, than our car does today. We shall no longer decline a job, a hobby or a relationship because of a longer commute.
We want this ultimate freedom to always get to the right place at the right time. We want to “give a lift” to humanity.